Menopause symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue, and vaginal dryness can persist for years, severely affecting your quality of life. The highly skilled OB/GYNs at Urgyn in Atlanta, Georgia, offer BioTE® bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to combat these symptoms. BioTE is a convenient, effective solution to menopause issues that uses natural plant-derived hormones. Call Urgyn to learn more about BioTE’s benefits or request a consultation online today.

Biote Q&A
What is BioTE?
BioTE is an effective treatment for perimenopause and menopause, which happen when your body reduces the production of female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone).
Menopause occurs when you’ve not had a period for 12 consecutive months; perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause. After menopause, you can no longer bear children. These changes typically happen gradually over four to five years in a woman’s late forties, with 51 the average age to reach menopause.
Some women experience very few problems, while others have such severe symptoms that everyday life is a continual struggle. BioTE hormone replacement pellets effectively reduce your menopause symptoms. They contain bioidentical hormones that replace the ones your ovaries no longer produce.
What symptoms does BioTE treat?
BioTE treats most perimenopause and menopause symptoms, including:
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Loss of libido
Mood swings
Loss of concentration
Declining memory
Thinning hair
Dry, thinning skin
Vaginal dryness
BioTE offers numerous advantages over other hormonal menopause treatments like pills, patches, and injections.
What advantages does BioTE offer?
One of BioTE’s key advantages is that the hormones are bioidentical. Conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) consists of synthetic or animal-derived hormones, which your body might find harder to absorb. Artificial hormones could also increase your risk of side effects.
Bioidentical hormones come from plants like soy and yams. These plant-based hormones match the hormones your body produces, meaning they’re easier for your body to absorb, and you’re less likely to experience any adverse effects.
Another of BioTE’s advantages is that your Urgyn OB/GYN can order the medication to suit your exact needs. This option (custom compounding) isn’t available with conventional HRT.
What does BioTE treatment involve?
BioTE pellets are so small your OB/GYN can inject them under your skin, where they steadily release hormones over three to four months.
The implantation procedure is simple, and you won’t be able to feel the pellet afterward. Once you have your BioTE implant, you can forget about it, so it’s perfect for people who have difficulty remembering to take their medications at the right time.
Call Urgyn to learn more about BioTE’s uses and benefits, or request an appointment today using the online booking feature.