About UTI
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) trouble 8-10 million people yearly. If you’re affected by frequent or painful urination, see the specialists at Urgyn in Atlanta, Georgia. The skilled OB/GYN team diagnoses and treats UTIs to provide much-needed relief. Schedule an evaluation at Urgyn by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.

What is a UTI?
A UTI is an infection that affects your urinary system. It can cause problems in your kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra. Bacteria is the most common cause of UTIs.
When not addressed, UTIs can worsen, increasing your risk of complications. See the Urgyn team at the first sign of UTI symptoms to get the treatment needed to feel better and avoid further issues.
What are the symptoms of UTIs?
You may develop the following symptoms because of a UTI:
Pelvic, flank, abdominal, or lower back pain
Cloudy urine
Foul-smelling pee
Pelvic pressure
Frequent urination
Urge incontinence
Painful urination
Urinary incontinence
Blood in your urine
UTIs are common, particularly among women. They affect about 50% of women during their lifetime.
What are the risk factors for UTIs?
In addition to being female, other UTI risk factors include contamination from E. coli, wiping from back to front after using the bathroom, using diaphragms during sex, sexual intercourse, and insufficient personal hygiene habits.
To reduce the risk of UTIs, drink plenty of water, urinate after sex, avoid spermicides, and maintain effective hygiene habits. Avoid using deodorants on your vagina, and change feminine hygiene products frequently.
How does my provider diagnose a UTI?
The Urgyn team discusses your medical history and symptoms to determine if you have a UTI. They also complete a physical exam and ask you to leave a urine sample for lab analyses. Lab testing can detect bacteria or other signs of a UTI.
If your infection doesn’t respond to traditional treatment, your provider may suggest an ultrasound, another imaging procedure, or cystoscopy to view the inside of your bladder.
How are UTIs treated?
The Urgyn team typically recommends you take antibiotics to treat a UTI. They may suggest you drink more fluids, try cranberry extract supplements, or alter your birth control method. If you use lubricants during sex, choose water-based products.
Follow up with your provider to ensure the UTI treatment works effectively, and call the office if you develop UTI symptoms in the future.
Schedule a UTI evaluation at Urgyn by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.