About STD Screening
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are common, affecting 20% of the United States population. If you’re at risk of an STD, see the experts at Urgyn in Atlanta, Georgia. The skilled OB/GYN specialists offer STD testing, including STD screenings for men and treatments to cure or better manage your condition. For discreet, nonjudgmental care, schedule an appointment at Urgyn by phone or request one online today.

STD Screening Q&A
What are STD screenings?
STD screenings are diagnostic tests that determine if you have a sexually transmitted disease. You can contract STDs by having oral, anal, or vaginal sex with an infected person as it spreads via blood, semen, and other body fluids. STDs are caused by viruses, parasites, or bacteria.
Examples of STDs include:
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Screenings at Urgyn identify the presence of an STD and allow your provider to determine the most appropriate treatment.
Which symptoms can STDs cause?
STDs can cause the following symptoms:
Unusual penis or vaginal discharge
Bumps or sores in the genital or anal region
Burning or painful urination
Pain during sex
Odorous discharge
Unusual vaginal bleeding
Lower abdominal pain
Genital or anal warts
Swollen lymph nodes
Rash on your hands, feet, or trunk
Cervical or rectal cancer
STDs don’t always cause symptoms. That’s why STD screening is important if you’re at risk of contracting an STD.
Who is a candidate for STD screening?
Anyone who is sexually active may be a candidate for STD screening. See the Urgyn team if you develop symptoms of an STD or have unprotected sex with a partner at risk of an STD. Other risk factors include having multiple sexual partners, a personal history of STDs, misusing alcohol or drugs, injecting drugs, and being a younger adult.
Some STDs pass from mother to infant during pregnancy or delivery.
To reduce the risk of contracting STDs, have sex with just one mutually monogamous partner, use a condom during sex, or abstain from sex altogether. Vaccinations are available for some STDs. Have your partner get tested, too, before engaging in sexual activity for the first time.
What should I expect during STD screening?
STD screening involves a review of your symptoms and medical history, a physical exam, and blood testing, urine tests, or swabs. When your Urgyn specialist receives your test results, they discuss them with you and determine if you need treatment. If you test positive, your partner should also be tested and treated.
Treatments for STDs include taking medications that cure an STD or help you better manage its symptoms. Some STDs aren’t curable, but medicine can clear up symptoms and reduce the risk of spreading an STD to someone else.
Schedule STD screenings at Urgyn by phone or request one online today.