About PCOS
If you develop excess body hair growth, infertility, or irregular periods, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) could be to blame. At Urgyn in Atlanta, Georgia, the skilled OB/GYN specialists determine if you have PCOS and discuss potential treatment options. Schedule an evaluation at Urgyn by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.

What is PCOS?
Polycystic ovary syndrome in women affects their hormones, causing often-undesirable symptoms and complications when not addressed. PCOS occurs when your ovaries produce too much of a male hormone called androgen, which is responsible for male-like characteristics.
If you develop unusual symptoms, see the Urgyn team to determine the cause and how to best treat your condition. The practice offers PCOS consultations and orders lab work to evaluate your hormone levels.
Which symptoms can PCOS cause?
PCOS can cause the following symptoms:
Irregular menstrual periods
Missed periods
Unpredictable ovulation
Excess facial or body hair growth
Difficulty getting pregnant (infertility)
Carrying excess weight
Darker skin patches
Skin tags
Male-pattern baldness
Your provider may observe small, visible, fluid-filled sacs (cysts) on your ovaries during an ultrasound, indicating PCOS.
While the cysts aren’t painful or dangerous, infertility associated with them can be distressing for women trying to conceive. PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility in women. It’s commonly diagnosed in women in their 20s or 30s. You might not realize you have PCOS until infertility is obvious.
PCOS also increases your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems.
What may increase my risk of PCOS?
Up to 15% of women of childbearing age struggle with PCOS. Its risk factors include:
Family history of PCOS
Carrying excess body weight
High levels of androgen
Low-grade inflammation
Insulin resistance
Maintaining a healthy weight by adopting healthy habits minimizes your chance of developing PCOS, but you can’t necessarily avoid it.
How does a specialist diagnose PCOS?
The Urgyn team discusses your medical history and symptoms to help determine if you have PCOS. They complete a physical exam, including a pelvic exam, and order blood tests and a pelvic ultrasound to evaluate your ovaries and uterine lining.
How is PCOS treated?
An Urgyn specialist discusses the PCOS treatment options with you. They may suggest taking medications, making healthy lifestyle changes, or combining multiple treatments. You might undergo fertility treatment to boost your chances of becoming pregnant.
Eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and keeping your weight within an ideal range is essential.
Schedule a PCOS consultation at Urgyn by phone or request one online today.